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The United Kingdom formally exited the European Union on 31 January 2020 and entered a transition period which ended on 23:00 (GMT) on 31 December 2020.

Now the transition period has ended, the UK is no longer a member of the Single Market or the Customs Union. Therefore, new border controls and checks will be implemented which will impact the short Channel crossings.

The UK will now be treated by the EU as a third country and will be subject to full third country controls and a variety of additional border checks which will lead to the increased likelihood of disruption.

As a council we have been working for some time on identifying the potential impacts and opportunities which a 'no deal' Brexit scenario could present to the delivery of council services, and to our residents and businesses.

For more information on how Ashford Borough Council and various partners are working together to try and mitigate against the impact of Brexit visit the Kent Prepared website.

Use the government's Brexit checker to find out how the EU transition may affect you or your business.

The Government plans to deliver inland border facilities to provide customs and transit checks required for hauliers from 1 January 2021. Plans are progressing at two locations in Ashford, at Sevington and Waterbrook.