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Brownfield Register

Viewing the register

Ashford Borough Council's Brownfield Register is published below.

Ashford Borough Council Brownfield Register 17-12-2018 [csv] 13KB

View a list of all the sites included on the Brownfield Register

Why do we have a Register?

The Housing and Planning Act (2016), has placed on local planning authorities the requirement to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land (also known as previously developed land) that the Council has assessed as being potentially suitable for residential development. Brownfield land is defined in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework. This Register provides publicly available information on brownfield land that is suitable for housing, as of 31 December 2018.

The Registers are intended to complement the Government's aim that 90% of suitable brownfield sites have planning permission for housing by 2020.

The Regulations states that the Brownfield Register must be maintained in two parts:

  1. Part 1 comprises a list of brownfield sites across the Borough boundaries that are considered appropriate for residential developments regardless of their planning status
  2. Part 2 includes sites which appear in Part 1 of the register and which Ashford Borough Council considers to be suitable for a grant of Permission in Principle (PiP) for residential or residential-led development. The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 states that the sites entered in Part 2 will be granted planning permission in principle.  No sites within Ashford have been included in Part 2 of the register at this time

The Ashford Brownfield Register has been informed by the following sources:

  • Strategic Housing & Employment Land Availability Assessment
  • Sites which already have extant planning permission
  • Sites allocated within the Development Plan
  • It is not considered that the Council's Register falls within the scope of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 and therefore does not require Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Submitting a site for consideration on the Brownfield Register

This Brownfield Register will be updated on a regular basis and a site submission form has been made available and will remain open for individuals who wish to submit a site for consideration on the Brownfield Register.

Please submit the site using the Brownfield Register Site Submission Form under related documents below:

Any queries relating to the Brownfield Register can be directed to planning.policy@ashford.gov.uk