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Cllr Webb presents cheques to her charities

Published: 20/10/2020
News article entitled Cllr Webb presents cheques to her charities

On Wednesday 7th October 2020 at the Singleton Environment Centre, the Mayor of Ashford 2019-2020, Councillor Jenny Webb, presented her three chosen charities with funds raised through the Mayor of Ashford’s Charity.

Throughout the fourteen months in office, Cllr Webb arranged numerous events and activities for her charities: Ashford Volunteer Centre, Home-Start Ashford and District and the Ashford Sea and Royal Marines Cadets. The past Mayor is passionate about volunteers and during the two intimate presentations she said, “I have enjoyed working alongside my charities and seen at close hand how much each one relies on our ‘silent army’ of volunteers to make a huge difference in our communities.” 

“This year, in particular, has seen the value of volunteers during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Each of my charities could not achieve their aims without those giving of their time, compassion and expertise - all for love. So I am honoured to be able to pass onto each group a token of my gratitude to help them to continue their great work.”

In response, Beth Peal, the Chief Executive of the Ashford Volunteer Centre, thanked the past Mayor for her efforts in championing volunteering and for the funds which will be used for the befriending service.

“On behalf of Home-Start Ashford and District I wish to thank Councillor Webb for her continued support and help not just as Mayor but in the longer term. This cheque will assist us in developing the Chill With Dads project,” said Clare Randall of the Home-Start charity. 

In the final presentation, the Commanding Officer of the Ashford Sea and Royal Marine Cadets, Sub Lieutenant Bruno d’Agostino (SCC) RNR, expressed his gratitude to the past Mayor for her enthusiasm and dedication to their charity.  The funds will go a long way towards purchasing an updated minibus for the cadets.

The Mayor of Ashford’s Charity had raised a total of £10,238.37 which was split between the groups: Ashford Volunteer Centre £3,000; Home-Start Ashford and District £3,000 and the final £4,238.37 to the Ashford Sea and Royal Marine Cadets.

A representative from each attended the presentations.