Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Reporting A Planning Breach

If you want to complain about a breach of planning control you can contact the Development Management team. Your name will not be released to anybody else – the identity of a complainant is kept confidential. In certain cases you may be asked to assist us by providing evidence at an appeal or in court. Before this happens the case officer will ask for your consent.

Anonymous complaints will not be investigated.

How to make a complaint


To make a complaint and to report an alleged planning breach, please complete the Report a Planning Breach form which will reach us quickly and save paper.

By letter

Development Management Team
Ashford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Kent TN23 1PL


01233 331111

What will happen to the information I provide?

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) is the data controller for the personal information you provide in reporting an alleged breach of planning control. ABC’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at FOI@ashford.gov.uk. Your information will be used for the planning enforcement process and processing is being conducted relying upon the public interest legal basis. Your details will be retained indefinitely however no personal information you provide will be published on our website or shared with third parties. For more information on your rights please see our privacy statement.

What happens after I complain?

We will write to confirm that we have registered your complaint and to let you know the name and contact number of the case officer investigating it. We will try and acknowledge this as quickly as possible.

Further information is available on our what happens after I have complained [pdf] 313KB document.

We need as much information as possible about the works or activities, in some cases you may be asked to keep a written diary of events. Further information is available on our How can I help? page.

We will investigate your complaint and decide if a breach of planning control has occurred. You will be informed of the results of the investigation.