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Still time to have your say on Bockhanger community space

Published: 13/10/2021
Open space in the Bockhanger and Bybrook area of Ashford

Residents of Bockhanger have until 31 October to have their say on shaping future plans for a new community space.

The public were invited to attend a virtual consultation event on 29 September jointly organised by Ashford Borough Council and Kennington Community Council. The event was recorded and is now available to view on the borough council’s YouTube channel along with presentation slides, speaker notes and a short survey.

When requested, we are also happy to share this information in printed form and we have a dedicated email to which feedback can be shared – email us at bockhanger.engagement@ashford.gov.uk

This is a major community project and there is a lot of information to absorb and digest, and to reflect this the public consultation will remain open until 31 October.  

A report into the proposals for a new community space at Bockhanger, together with the public’s feedback, is due to be presented to the council’s cabinet at the end of November, and members will then set the trajectory for the project going forward.

Bockhanger background

This autumn’s consultation has picked up from where things were left in March 2020 when a public consultation event that was due to be held at the Phoenix Community Primary School had to be cancelled due to growing concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Back then nearly 600 people living in the Bockhanger, Bybrook, Kennington and Little Burton areas of Ashford had taken part in a survey on the future provision of alternative community spaces. This followed the demolition of the Bockhanger Community Centre in spring 2019.

The consultation aims to understand what is required by residents, community groups and businesses, and examine what facilities already exist in the area and what they offer.

For more information about Kennington Community Council visit their website.