Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. South of Ashford Garden Community Find out about the South Ashford Garden Community.
  2. Local Plan Community and Cultural Background Documents Download the Community and Cultural Background Documents that support the local plan to 2030.
  3. Community Stakeholder Group Find out about public engagement with the South Ashford Garden Community.
  4. Ward Member Community Grant Scheme Information on the ward member community grant scheme.
  5. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) determines payments from new developments towards local infrastructure provision.
  6. Community Facilities Find where you can access community toilets and changing places facilities.
  7. Support from other agencies, community groups and charities Find cost of living support from other agencies, community groups and charities.
  8. Community Safety Partnership Outline of the Community Safety Partnership and what they do, which partners work together and what the priorities are.
  9. Community Toilet Scheme Information on the Community Toilet Scheme and find out where the toilets are located.
  10. Community Emergency Planning Why you should have a Community Resilience Plan and how you to create one for Parish Councils and Local Communities.