Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. Street Purchases Information on how you can sell your home to the council.
  2. Universal Credit Details of UC and when/when not to claim, post code list to be updated until full service for all job centres within the Borough.
  3. Benefit Cap Information about the benefit cap and how it applies to you.
  4. Change Of Circumstances Details of change of circumstances that could affect your benefit entitlement and how to let us know.
  5. New Build Property Bin Request (Individual Property) Request a bin for an individual property on a new housing development.
  6. Homelessness Application Appeal If you disagree with a homeless application decision you have the right to ask for a review by filling out our online form.
  7. Apply A list of our services you can apply for online including parking permits, planning applications, social housing and licences.
  8. Spare Room Subsidy And Under-occupancy Information about under occupation of bedrooms in the social rented sector.
  9. Backdating Information on how you can request to have your benefits claim backdated.
  10. Private Sector Grants Grants available to repair and improve your properties/energy efficiency schemes and advice.