Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. Street Purchases Information on how you can sell your home to the council.
  2. Claim Find out various support, benefits and claims you can make.
  3. Universal Credit Details of UC and when/when not to claim, post code list to be updated until full service for all job centres within the Borough.
  4. Homelessness - Support And Guidance Advice and appropriate assistance that we have a legal duty to provide if you are homeless, or threatened with homelessness.
  5. Council Tax and Benefits Privacy Notice Ashford Borough Council's Council Tax and Benefits Privacy Notice.
  6. Head of Development Information about Head of Development. Find contact details, job descriptions and management structures.
  7. Planned Maintenance Find out about planned maintenance, improvements and refurbishments to council housing.
  8. Specified And Temporary Accommodation Anyone living in Specified or Temporary Accommodation must pay for their accommodation through housing benefit.
  9. Benefit Cap Information about the benefit cap and how it applies to you.
  10. Downsizing Information on the rewards available for downsizing your council property.