Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. Pavement Licensing Pavement licences allow food and drink for consumption businesses to put removable furniture onto the path next to their premises.
  2. Sexual Entertainment Venues Find out about current policy and licensing requirements for sexual entertainment venues.
  3. Transfer To Joint Licence Information on how to transfer to a joint licence.
  4. Licence Renewal How to renew both Driver and Vehicle licences and FAQs.
  5. Joint Licence Renewal How to renew both driver licences and frequently asked questions.
  6. Alcohol Premises Licence A premises licence authorises the use of any premises for licensable activities.
  7. Street Collections Apply for a street collection licence if you want to collect money or sell articles for charity.
  8. Gambling Premises Licence Information on the types of premises which require a licence, how to apply and fees.
  9. Scrap Metal Every scrap metal dealer is required to have a licence and operating without one will be a criminal offence.
  10. Personal Licence A personal licence allows you to sell or supply alcohol in a venue which has a premises licence or a temporary event notice.