Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. Transfer To Joint Licence Information on how to transfer to a joint licence.
  2. Gambling The Gambling Act 2005 covers all commercial gambling in England and Wales and includes the regulation of gambling.
  3. Mobile Food Traders Find out about licensing for both static and mobile food traders.
  4. Temporary Event Notice Guidance Notes Guidance for applying for a temporary event notice.
  5. Licence Renewal How to renew both Driver and Vehicle licences and FAQs.
  6. Joint Licence Renewal How to renew both driver licences and frequently asked questions.
  7. Animal Licences If you keep certain types of animals or operate animal related businesses, you will need to obtain a licence from us.
  8. Alcohol Premises Licence A premises licence authorises the use of any premises for licensable activities.
  9. Fruit Machines Information for pubs and other premises with a licence for the on sale of alcohol, on the entitlement to gaming machines and fees.
  10. Gambling Responsible Authorities A list of addresses for responsible gambling authorities.