Things to Consider BEFORE Reporting a Breach
Before you report works/activates to us you should consider the following:
- Not all works or activities need a grant of planning permission from the council. Before reporting a breach please see section 2 of our Local Enforcement Plan and please also see;
- ‘permitted development’ planning guidance on the Planning Portal
- and government guidance on outdoor advertisements and signs
- See ‘What is a planning breach?’
- Please check if planning permission/consent has already been granted and whether the issue of concern is covered by a planning condition via our planning search or via our interactive map.
- Please report highways matters, fly-posting, unauthorised advertisements on grass verges/street furniture to Kent County Council.
- Anonymous complaints will generally not be accepted or investigated.
- Your name and contact details will remain confidential.
What happens after I submit a report?
We will acknowledge receipt of your report and if we have all of the information required we will provide a case reference number and the name and contact details of the investigating officer.
Further information is available in our Local Enforcement Plan.
What will happen to the information I provide?
Ashford Borough Council (ABC) is the data controller for the personal information you provide in reporting an alleged breach of planning control. ABC’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Your information will be used for the planning enforcement process and processing is being conducted relying upon the public interest legal basis. Your name and address will be retained indefinitely. Personal contact details such as email/telephone numbers will be retained for up to 2 years post file closure. No personal information you provide will be published on our website or shared with third parties. For more information on your rights please see our privacy statement.