Working For Us

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Set up a job alert

If you can't currently find the job that is right for you then why not set up a job alert? Download our guide to setting up a job alert [pdf] 1MB.

Further assistance

If you need any help or further information regarding working for Ashford Borough Council or our recruitment and selection process, please email the recruitment team.

The Job Club webpage has plenty of advice and guidance for anyone looking for work.

Our flexible working policy [doc] 798KB recognises the importance of promoting a balance between work and personal life through flexible working. This policy explains the provisions that are available for employees at Ashford Borough Council and the process for making an application. It also seeks to encourage staff to consider flexible working arrangements as part of the council’s intentions to support employees in achieving a balance between work and other priorities, such as physical and mental wellbeing, caring responsibilities, leisure activities, further learning and other interests.

Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant Logo

Ashford Borough Council has pledged to work with the Armed Forces to help and support regular and reservist servicemen and women, veterans and service families. Our Armed Forces Covenant exists to encourage support for the Armed Forces Community in Ashford and to recognise and remember the sacrifices made by members of the Armed Forces Community.

Key Principles of the Covenant

No member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage compared to other citizens when accessing local services.

Special consideration is appropriate in some cases for those who have given the most, such as the injured and bereaved.

We welcome applications from the Armed Forces Community.