Allotment Waiting List Update Form

Personal Details
Please provide your first name and last name
Please provide your home address, including postcode
Please provide a contact telephone number
Please provide a contact email address
Non Tenants Awaiting Initial Offer

Only answer the next question if you are not already an existing tenant of an Ashford Borough Council allotment

Please select between 1 and 3 sites.

Existing Tenants

Only answer the following questions if you are an existing tenant of an Ashford Borough Council allotment

What is your current plot number?
Please select between 1 and 3 allotment sites.

Please provide details if there are specific plots you are interested in.

Data Protection Statement

Data Protection – Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information collected in this allotment application form/ application update. Your information will be used to administrate your allotment application and any subsequent allotment tenancy. The collection and processing of your data is being conducted relying upon a contractual legal basis. Your information will be shared with the Ashford Allotment Society who we work in partnership with to deliver allotments in the borough.  Your information will be held as long as you stay on the waiting list or are an allotment tenant +7yrs.

For more information about your data protection rights please see the Council’s data protection pages which can be found at or contact the Data Protection Officer at The Data Protection Officer, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford TN23 1PL.

Please tick this box to consent to the above use of your data