Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Planning Public Notices

Each week we publicise certain planning applications in the Kentish Express and, when applicable, the Kent & Sussex Courier. We also publicise the important stages of the development of our Local Plan policy, for example, when we are consulting local people on ideas for new policies. Details of current public notices are listed below.

Planning application notices

Planning Public Notice 13 June 2024 [pdf] 112KB - comments due 4 July 2024 

Planning Public Notice 20 June 2024 [pdf] 137KB - comments due 11 July 2024

Planning Public Notice 27 June 2024 [pdf] 140KB - comments due 18 July 2024

Planning Public Notice 04 July 2024 [pdf] 81KB - comments due 25 July 2024

Planning Public Notice 11 July 2024 [pdf] 112KB - comments due 01 August 2024

Planning Public Notice 18 July 2024 [pdf] 112KB - comments due 08 August 2024