Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Submit a Building Control Application - Guidance

We strongly encourage you to make your application online via the Planning Portal to help speed up the process and benefit from the following:

  • Your application will be sent to Ashford on the same day
  • You will receive instant email notification on receipt of electronic applications
  • It speeds up the process at the council
  • You can pay online through a secure website (a portal administrative fee is applied)
  • It's a paperless process
  • There's online guidance to help you make your application
  • There's useful tools to help you, for example volume and fee calculators
  • There's a mapping service, so you can create a site location plan
  • You can use one account to manage both planning and building control applications (where applicable)
  • You have access to the Planning Portal: Support Team, contactable on: 0333 323 4589, which is available from 9am until 5pm.