Egerton Neighbourhood Plan

Adoption of Neighbourhood Plan

Following the positive referendum result, Ashford Borough Council is publishing its decision to ‘make’ the Egerton Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2021-40 as part of Ashford Borough Council’s Development Plan in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

The Adopted Neighbourhood Plan and formal Regulation 19 Decision statement, as required under the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, in included in the key documents set out below:

View the Egerton Neighbourhood Plan [pdf] 7534KB

View the Regulation 19 Decision Statement [pdf] 343KB

Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and Decision Statement will be available to view shortly at the Civic Centre and Ashford Gateway, during their usual opening times.


The Referendum for the Egerton Parish Neighbourhood Plan was held on 10 February 2022. The referendum result was as follows: 

434 Total Votes. 397 (91.47%) Yes and 37 (8.52%) No.

Regulation 18 - Council's Decision Statement

Ashford Borough Council has now considered the contents of the Examiner’s Report and have prepared a Decision Statement setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the Examiner.

The Decision Statement confirms that the Egerton Parish Neighbourhood Plan, with modifications, can proceed to referendum.

Decision Statement - Egerton Parish Neighbourhood Plan [pdf] 815KB

Public Notice [pdf] 205KB

Due to current restrictions around Covid-19, hard copies of these documents will not be available in public libraries. However, if a copy if required please contact

Independent Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan

Ashford Borough Council has appointed Mr. Derek Stebbing B.A. (Hons), Dip. E.P., MRTPI as the Independent Examiner of the Egerton Neighbourhood Plan to commence on 19th August 2021.. 

The Independent Examination has now been completed. The Council received the Examiner’s report on 15th November 2021. The Examiner’s report recommended that the Egerton Neighbourhood Plan 2021-2040 has been duly prepared in compliance with the procedural requirements and that the Plan, subject to a number of modifications (set out in Appendix 1 of the Examiners report below), meets the Basic Conditions and should proceed to referendum.

Egerton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Examiner Final Report [pdf] 1038KB.

Ashford Borough Council  has a duty1 to respond to the Examiners Report and the proposed modifications within it, in a formal 'Decision Statement' to indicate whether they agree to the Examiners recommendations and if the plan will progress to public Referendum within the parishes. This is located above.

1 Under Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

Examination Documents 

The Examiner has set out the procedural matters for how the Examination will progress, and asked some questions of the Qualifying body and the Council in correspondence dated 26 August.

View the letter from the Examiner dated 26th August 2021 [pdf] 694KB

Egerton Parish Council Response to Examiner's Questions

View the response from Egerton Parish Council to the Examiner's questions [pdf] 570KB

Additional documents submitted by Egerton Parish Council

Key Views Assessment 2020 [pdf] 304KB

Revised Local Green Spaces Maps [pdf] 300KB

Egerton Parish Council commentary on petition [pdf] 340KB

Question 7 correspondence

View the letter from the Examiner dated 15 September 2021 [pdf] 567KB

View correspondence from Mr Eustace in response to the Examiner's question 7 [pdf] 122KB

View the correspondence from Egerton Parish Council in response to question 7 [pdf] 310KB

ABC response to Examiner's Questions

View the response from Ashford Borough Council to the Examiner's questions [pdf] 268KB

To view the Neighbourhood Plan, supporting documentation and representations made on the plan during the Regulation 16 consultation please view the Neighbourhood Plan portal.

Consultation on Submission (Regulation 16)

The Egerton Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to ABC for formal consultation. The consultation started on Friday 25 June 2021 and ran until 5pm on 6 August 2021. If you wish to view the plan and supporting documentation please view the consultation on the portal.

Pre-submission consultation (Regulation 14)

Egerton Parish Council held a six week consultation on their pre-submission draft Neighbourhood Plan, under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The consultation closed on 25 September 2020.

The consultation documents can be accessed by visiting the Egerton Neighbourhood Plan website.

Area designation consultation

On 30 March 2017 Ashford Borough Council received an application from Egerton Parish Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. The area requested to be designated is the entire Parish of Egerton. The application and map of the area was open for public consultation for 6 weeks from Monday 24 March to Monday 5 May 2017.

On 13 July, ABC approved the designation of the Egerton Neighbourhood Area. A copy of the designation report, Neighbourhood Area application and map, which identifies the area, is attached below:

Egerton Neighbourhood Area Designation Report [pdf] 279KB

Egerton Neighbourhood Area Request [pdf] 171KB

Egerton Plan Boundary [pdf] 762KB

Contact the Neighbourhood Plan Group

Neighbourhood Plans are led by the Parish Council who can be contacted through the Egerton Parish Council website.