Domestic abuse initiative to prevent survivors from becoming homeless is getting results
Published: 26/10/2023A reciprocal scheme for social landlords to support households fleeing domestic abuse in Kent and Medway is gathering real momentum, says the Kent Housing Group.
Almost a dozen housing association and local council landlords have already joined the scheme and the first three families have been moved to a place of safety to rebuild their lives. The initiative was launched in the summer and any social housing landlords who have not yet signed up are being urged to do so without delay.
The multi-agency initiative is being led by Lisa Clarke of Clarion Housing, who said: “We want to reduce the risk of homelessness for survivors of domestic abuse. The scheme is helping landlords move tenants into another provider’s home if they cannot find suitable alternative accommodation in their own housing stock. The tenant will not lose their precious social housing tenancy.”
The first family to benefit from the scheme moved into a home provided by mhs homes. We cannot publish details for the sake of the safety of the family but it involved moving them out of emergency temporary accommodation into a house in another part of the county.
Leading that project was Sandra Paine, Customer Liaison Officer with mhs homes, who said: “The whole process was completed quickly and smoothly. It has been a very successful outcome and when I spoke to family recently they were delighted to be given the chance of a fresh start.”
KHG Chair Brian Horton said: “I’m very proud to see the first results of collaborative working on a coordinated response to domestic abuse across the county to protect tenants and their families at risk of losing their tenancy and homelessness. This exemplifies the convening role of KHG to make a positive impact.”
The scheme fits within KCC’s Domestic Abuse strategy to help survivors accessing help to end the abuse, ensuring that there is a flexible approach to housing solutions and access to services for all.
Social landlords who have not yet joined the scheme are urged to contact Lisa Clarke at Clarion Housing on To find out more about the domestic abuse reciprocal scheme visit the Kent Housing Group website.