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Free parking this Christmas season

Published: 23/01/2024
Graphic of a red car loaded with presents and Christmas tree, with Father Christmas in the window

This December shoppers can once again enjoy free parking in all council-owned car parks in Ashford and Tenterden. Free parking will be available in both town centres to encourage residents and visitors to do their Christmas shopping locally and support our local businesses.

Free Christmas parking will be available on the following days and times:

Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 December - FREE all day

Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 December - FREE all day

Details on council-owned car parks can be found on our website at www.ashford.gov.uk/parking

Remember that we already offer free parking in the following selected car parks:

Free parking in Ashford and Tenterden

Car Park

Free Parking

Edinburgh Road multi-storey Car Park, TN24 8LG

Free after 3pm Monday-Saturday
Free all day Sunday

Elwick Place Car Park, TN23 1DY (cinema car park)

Free after 3pm every day

Flour Mills Car Park, TN24 8PA

Free on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Station Road Car Park, TN23 1PP

Free after 3pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Bridewell Lane car park in Tenterden (TN30 6EY);

Free parking on Sunday and Bank Holidays


Cllr Steve Campkin, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate, Environment and Transport said: “With the continued impact of the cost of living it has been another tough year for many. Every saving helps so I’m pleased that we are able to offer free parking in Ashford and Tenterden in the run up to Christmas.

“The added advantage is that buying locally helps to support our town centre shops and those who work in them, in turn helping to boost our local economy.”

For more information on parking in Ashford and Tenterden visit www.ashford.gov.uk/parking