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High Court awards costs to Ashford Borough Council following Fergus Wilson injunction

Published: 10/05/2022
gavel on a table in court room

Darryl Allen QC, sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court, has handed down his judgment dealing with the issue of legal costs in the case of Ashford Borough Council and Another v Wilson.

 The judgment relates to a case in September 2021, when Ashford Borough Council succeeded on all key issues and obtained a final injunction restraining the defendant, Fergus Wilson, from harassing current and former officers, employees, councillors and agents.

Darryl Allen QC stated: “In my judgment the correct order for costs in this case is for the defendant to pay the claimants' costs of the action.”

The court has ordered Mr Wilson to make a payment of £125,000 to Ashford Borough Council by 4pm on 17 May 2022, as a part payment ‘on account’ while the full costs are assessed, this representing a reasonable sum and reflecting just under 75% of the stipulated estimated costs, costs which Darryl Allen QC said: “….reflect the manner in which the defendant, rather than the claimants, have conducted the litigation.”

Full details of the the High Court order can be found online.