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Six venues in Ashford pass Best Bar None assessment

Published: 01/02/2023
Stock image of a bar

In a Police led initiative, Ashford Borough Council Licensing, Kent Police, and APAC (Pubwatch) ran the Best Bar None scheme in Ashford over the summer.

The scheme seeks to help customers identify premises which are well run in terms of venue management, staff training and care, customer safety and welfare, and customer service and community. The ultimate aim is to highlight good practice and raise standards.

Six of the town’s premises went through the assessment scheme and passed with The Ashford Club receiving the highest score and Cameo Nightclub being highly commended for public safety.

Each business received a plaque to display on their premises from the Mayor of Ashford at the latest meeting of Pubwatch held at the Civic Centre on Thursday 20 October.

The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Jenny Webb with Mark Mitchell, Director of The Ashford Club

Mark Mitchell, Director of The Ashford Club said: “I have been working for over 17 years to promote the town for its safety and a place to be, and showing willingness to address alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour through the promotion of good practice and education in the night time economy.

“This shows that as a town we are getting the message across to the locals as well as the general wider public that the venues that have the accreditation from the Best Bar None scheme in and around the town of Ashford are safe and have been through a vigorous assessment process.”

Kent Police Inspector Simon Johnson of Ashford’s Community Safety Unit said: “Best Bar None is an accreditation scheme supported by the Home Office and drinks industry that aims to improve standards in the evening and night time economy.

“We are pleased that the scheme has been met positively by businesses in the district and we hope more will join and play their part to help keep their communities safe by promoting high standards and good practices at their venues.”

The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Jenny Webb, said: “I am pleased to see businesses committing to this scheme and hope this inspires others across our borough to take part. In passing the assessment and promoting best practice, they ensure our night-time visitors feel safe and well looked after on an evening out.

The following businesses applied for and gained Best Bar None accreditation:

  • Cameo
  • The Ashford Club
  • J D Wetherspoon at County Hotel
  • Ashford International Truckstop
  • Boutilliers
  • Valerie's Wine Bar Limited