A unique exhibition celebrating The Stevenson Brothers and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Published: 10/08/2023
The Platinum Jubilee Rocking Horse

A unique exhibition celebrating her majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and 40 years of the Stevenson Brothers – The Rocking Horse Makers.

The Kent Market Town Tenterden – in the Borough of Ashford – is delighted to be hosting a one-of-a-kind exhibition at Tenterden Town Hall on Thursday 2 June to Sunday 5 June to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a unique selection of Royal favoured rocking horses crafted by world renowned, and local to Tenterden in Bethersden, twin brothers Marc and Tony – the Stevenson Brothers.

In 2002, to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, they delighted Her Majesty by designing a very special dapple-grey rocking horse and have continued to mark some Royal occasions with their unique horses.

The Platinum Jubilee Rocking Horse was presented to Her Majesty the Queen on Thursday 12th May 2022 at Windsor Castle, sculpted as a replica of the last racehorse bred by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. To Her Majesty’s delight, “Barber Shop” was ridden into the Royal Mews to meet his namesake by Katie Jerram before returning to The Royal Windsor Horse Show, looking magnificent at the age of 20.

There will be other horses on show at the exhibition, including their Golden and Diamond Jubilee designs and those made to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s 80th and 90th birthdays.

Mark and Tony, the Stevenson Brothers.

Stevenson Bros Marc and Tony. Photo courtesy of Richard Pohle

Stevenson Brothers are also celebrating 40 years of rocking horse making this year. The team have made over 9500 horses for a worldwide audience of children and grown-ups alike.

We are inviting the public to have an exclusive look at the quality of these exquisite rocking horses as well as insights behind their stories at Tenterden Town Hall for the duration of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in a free exhibition. This is a first-time exhibition for the Stevenson Brothers, and something not replicated anywhere else – a fantastic opportunity for all ages to see something that has brought our Majesty such delight over the years.

An invite only, VIP reception is being held at Tenterden Town Hall Weds 1st June 7-9pm with Marc and Tony Stevenson available for interviews on request.

If you would like further information or request an interview or appearance at another time, please contact Keli Nolan-Lyons at towncoord@tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk or visit the Tenterden Town Council website.

Article courtesy of Tenterden Town Council.