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Borough Play Areas

There are a wide range of play areas across the borough featuring everything from zip wires and large multiplay units to sand pits and swings for toddlers.

The borough's play areas include:

  • Bridgefield Park Play Area - natural and adventure play themed around farming and water created in 2018 - one of the largest play areas in Ashford
  • Bulleid Place Play Area (behind ASDA in Newtown) - upgraded in 2017, Bulleid Place is the Borough's most popular play area with a wide range of traditional play equipment for all age groups and abilities on a main pedestrian walking and cycling route.
  • Cuckoo Park (opposite John Wesley School) - adventure and natural play for all age groups
  • Church Road Play Area - Upgraded in 2019 - adventure and natural play for all age groups
  • Hothfield Play Area - bucket swing, tractor slide, equipment for young people
  • Kestrel Park Play Area, Coulter Road - created in 2017 - adventure play for older children
  • Mersham Play Area - natural play
  • Park Farm - upgraded 2023
  • Repton Park - three play areas spread across the estate
  • Rylands Road - upgraded 2023
  • Spearpoint Rec - upgraded 2023
  • Springwood Drive Play Area - fenced equipped play area for all ages
  • St Anne's Road Play Area - upgraded in 2019 - traditional play for all age groups
  • St Stephen's Walk Play Area - zip wire, climbing unit and sand play for toddlers
  • Victoria Park - brand new play area opened in 2023 as part of the Victoria Park and Watercress Fields Project
  • Victory Hall Play Area, Hamstreet - upgraded in 2018, a very popular rural adventure play area for all age groups.
  • Wye Play Area - adventure play space

Use our interactive map (please note that some of our maps won't work in Google Chrome) for details of all the play areas in the borough.

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