Local Plan Submission Documents

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SD01 - Ashford Local to 2030 - Submission Version December 2017

As well as the Local Plan Submission version, this section also includes a schedule of minor amendments that were made post the Main Changes consultation in 2017, and the online Policies Map.

SD02 - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and SEA of the Ashford Borough Local Plan to 2030

SD03 - Representations received on the Local Plan 2030 (Regulation 20) in number order and topic order

SD04 - Submission Notice

SD05 - Regulation 22 (c) Statement - Consultation Statements, Summary of Main Issues and response to representations

SD06 - Self-Assessment of Soundness

SD07 - Duty to Cooperate Statement and Update November 2017

SD08 - Housing Topic Background Paper

SD08a - Addendum to Housing Topic Paper [pdf] 371KB

SD08b - June 2018 Update to Appendix 1 of the Housing Topic Paper [pdf] 180KB

SD09 - Ashford Borough Council Viability Study - Local Plan and CIL Viability Report (2016) and Ashford Borough Council Viability Study Update (2017)

SD10 - Ashford Borough Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) 2017

SD11 - Habitat Regulation Assessment and Appropriate Assessments (Updated December 2017)

SD12 - Ashford Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 2016/17 and Addendum 2017

SD13 - Ashford Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

Ashford commissioned a consultant GL Hearn to undertake the SHMA for the Ashford borough in 2013 and the results are the starting point for a housing target for the Local Plan. The final report can be downloaded below:

SD14 - Equalities Impact Assessment

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