Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Assistant Director of People, Communications and Technology

Michelle PecciPhoto of Michelle Pecci

Contact details

The Assistant Director of People, Communications and Technology is responsible for:


  • Managing and developing the council's staff related policies.
  • Recruitment.
  • Training and development.
  • Payroll.
  • Organisational development.
  • Ensuring there is equality of opportunity and treatment for both existing and potential staff.

Customer Services:

  • Customer services face to face and telephone at the Civic Centre and in Tenterden.
  • Digital delivery.


  • Overseeing the communications and marketing functions of the council to promote and protect the reputation, branding and corporate identity to support the delivery of Ashford Borough Council’s corporate priorities.
  • Issuing media releases and designing and producing literature about council services, policies and consultations.
  • Website design and content.
  • Social media.
  • Liaising with press enquiries.


  • Systems development.
  • Technical support and telephony.
  • IT procurement and contract management.
  • IT project management.
  • GIS mapping.


  • Digital transformation.
  • Efficiency-saving solutions.
  • Website.

Job description

Salary scales can be found under the salaries section.