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Smarden Parish - Declaration of Result of Poll

Ashford Borough Council

Election of Parish Councillors for


on Thursday 4 May 2023

I, Tracey Kerly, being the Returning Officer at the above election, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each Candidate at the said election is as follows:

Election results
Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of Votes*
APPLEBEE Jonathan Mark commonly known as APPLEBEE J Financial Advisor 224 Elected
James Anthony
Elaine Patricia
  265 Elected
Brian Martin
Retired Airline Pilot 366 Elected
Jocelyn Patricia
  280 Elected
Holly Victoria
HALL Russell William commonly known as HALL Russ   179
Landlady of the Flying Horse 407 Elected
Company Director 298 Elected
JONES Robert Alun commonly known as JONES Alun Lawyer 222
RANDOLPH Lyandrea commonly known as RANDOLPH Lea   373 Elected
Helen Louise
  266 Elected
WILSON Katherine commonly known as WILSON Kathy   340 Elected

* If elected the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

Rejected ballot papers
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows Number of ballot papers
A: Want of an official mark 0
B: Voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to 0
C: Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D: Being unmarked or wholly void for certainty 1
E: Rejected in part 0
Total 1


Vacant Seats: 9

Electorate: 1230

Ballot Papers Issued: 578

Turnout: 46.99%

And I do hereby declare that Jonathan Mark Applebee, Elaine Patricia Bartleet, Brian Martin Bristow, Jocelyn Patricia Craig, Natasha Hartfield-Kemp, Ashley Hodgkins, Lyandrea Randolph, Helen Louise Teare and Katherine Wilson are duly elected.